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  1. Y

    Awkward 6 - 9 rep range

    So a lot of programs are created around the basis of 5RM of 10RM but what can you do to get from 6/7 reps to 10? Im at about this for my clean and press with 2x24 but want this to be my 10RM and then to try programs like the giant for example. I have done DFW and giant 3.0 but my 5pm has only...
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    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger In my honest opinion, no. I am a bit biased as I am not a fan of simple and sinister. I am sure it has its place but a simple program with clean and press + front squats is vastly superior. Check out Hardstyle Kettlebell Pro on instagram. The guy gives out great programs and...
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    Increasing to 10RM

    @wezo777 This sounds exactly what I’m looking for! Is it a program of some sort? Happy to pay if this is the case
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    Increasing to 10RM

    @salguy161 I’m ideally trying to focus solely on the clean and press and will add front squats after if necessary
  5. Y

    Increasing to 10RM

    Hi all, So I want to start Geoffs new The Giant X however I don’t really have a 10RM atm and my 2x24kg is about 6 maybe 7 on the clean and press What’s a good way to get this to at least a 10RM? Any suggestions welcome!