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  1. B

    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    @dawn16 As an advanced bencher it's actually pretty easy to gauge how many reps you've got before giving out. I rarely bench with a spotter and if I do only maybe on the last 1 or 2 sets. I know when I'm at the point where I could get one last one with absolute maximum effort, I just stop 1 rep...
  2. B

    Any cons on doing upper-lower split 3 x week?

    @greenmart123 Honestly, if I had only three days to train I'd rather just stick to ULU. Are your legs lagging or do you build leg muscle particularly slow? If not you can just do one lower workout per week with more volume than usual. It's more of a detriment to only train upper once a week...