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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @sannya Interesting. I injured a wrist and ever since, pullups have hurt like hell. I never thought about my wrists, but I'm sure I was flexing them. I'll have to take a look at this.
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    How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on my self taught journey [Female]

    @girdyourloins I'll look them up on YT. Good luck in your future goals!!
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    How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on my self taught journey [Female]

    @girdyourloins I've never seen a woman do one, quite impressive.
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    Busy Dad Program Trial Run

    @hartsarts I might throw in some face pulls to hit different parts of the delts and back.
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    Busy Dad Program Trial Run

    @trogdortheterrible My only suggestion is making sure your pulling is enough to counter all the pushing from the burpees and dips.
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    Pull-ups and Science

    @kirag I hurt my elbow in a way that I can't do pull-ups at all, but can do close-grip chin-ups with no problem. Driving me crazy.