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  1. J

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @ace_of_spades Jump down means you jump directly from standing to the pushup position in one move. You sort of throw your feet back and land on your arm. Step up means you step back up one foot at a time. Jumping back up means redlining for most people (including me!) if you're doing this many...
  2. J

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @musicforerunner I disagree about unbroken snatches. Your forearms are under load the whole workout really so breaking the snatches 4+4 from the start really helps even out the pace. For burpees, if you can, I recommend jump-down/step-up. Letting gravity do the work on the way down is not...
  3. J

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @chasingvisions If you're unsure you can do the whole open on scaled and get a good baseline this way. C&J can go fast if you have a good speed technique (land in quarter squat and directly launch the jerk from there) but overall snatches make your life easier if you can
  4. J

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @kchorne I broke 4-4 from the start and I think it's much better. Forearms are under load the whole workout almost so it's good to alleviate that a little by breaking.
  5. J

    20.1 Strategy - A Coaches take having watched 20+ athletes complete it this morning

    @thetravman I'd say do the whole open scaled and try to get a good baseline that way. If youre unsure about your snatches at that weight the C&J will not feel good either because you'll hold the bar for much longer. Unless you do the super fast version that launches from the clean's dip...