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  1. J

    Dexa Results: 29 | 6'1"| 170lbs | 35.5% BF

    @jasono My understanding is that technicians tend to only be licensed when the tests are being used for medical purposes. Body composition scans are typically not done for medical purposes. And you can't just say they know how to calibrate them (I'm pretty sure that's not accurate anyway...
  2. J

    Dexa Results: 29 | 6'1"| 170lbs | 35.5% BF

    @jasono Not a bad idea.
  3. J

    Dexa Results: 29 | 6'1"| 170lbs | 35.5% BF

    @jasono Upon further research I found this: "a position paper published by the International Society for Clinical Densitometry in 2013 stated that GE and Norland have not altered their calibration of fat and lean mass in the past 20 years and few details exist on what these systems are...
  4. J

    Dexa Results: 29 | 6'1"| 170lbs | 35.5% BF

    @jasono Not saying I think it's inaccurate solely because the numbers are higher than I would expect. I'm saying it primarily because I've seen a few (very few) that are higher than I would expect and a lot that I'm pretty sure are at least 3-5% LOWER than they realistically should be. Because...
  5. J

    Dexa Results: 29 | 6'1"| 170lbs | 35.5% BF

    @demetria As more and more people post their results, I'm seriously beginning to question the validity of dexa scans. I think, in theory, on a perfectly calibrated machine, dexa scans are probably pretty reliable. However, the likelihood of a machine not in a lab being perfectly calibrated is...
  6. J

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @dawei7 Seeing your pictures, I'm not really very surprised by that BF percentage. You really don't have much in the way of muscle/lean mass, so that 152lbs has to come from somewhere. If I were you, I would ABSOLUTELY NOT CUT. Doing that is going to leave you with even less muscle mass...