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  1. F

    This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches

    @mikeyb123 I'm 5'1 and already started at a healthy weight so yeah, weight loss will be slower for me compared to others. Idk why you're getting downvoted. Mostly from people who aren't familiar with the fasting lifestyle. I've always fasted growing up so unintentionally was always doing IF. ADF...
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @stephny I'm 5'1 and currently 118.8 lbs (started at 135, 3.5 months ago). I do ADF (alternate day fasting) and do rolling 42s (fast for 42 hours, eat, fast 42 hours, eat - repeat). It works for me because I know I will 1) always be at a deficit, 2) don't have to compromise my fav foods, 3) can...
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    This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches

    @mikeyb123 Same, I do ADF and rolling 42s. It’s the easiest way for me to guarantee weight loss. I’ve lost 20 pounds in 4 months! 20:4 IF/OMAD unfortunately didn’t work for my short ass lol I was still eating at maintenance but ADF changed my life!
  4. F

    Not everybody will have a bubble butt. And that’s okay.

    @g3ntl3w4rri0r I ALWAYS say that. All the personal trainers in the world and all the exercises and work outs, don’t you think they would ALL have a bbl butt? They don’t. Because it’s not one size fits all. It’s genetics or surgery. Period.
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    5’4 last few pounds are so hard to lose

    @jodi1028 We all hold weight differently! Also depends if it’s muscle vs fat of course
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    5’4 last few pounds are so hard to lose

    @jodi1028 Im also 5’1 but the weight range for us would actually be around 100-130. Underweight would be considered like 97 and below.
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    is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

    @matt24vs14 I’m 5’1 and when I was around 135, I fit into a size 4. When I’m closer to 110, I can fit into a size 0/2. I’m currently 120 but still fit a size 4 pretty comfortable. Honestly could size down to a 2 if I wanted. Crazy how sizing works!