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  1. D

    CSCS & USA-W L1, Should I get my CF L1? Should I intern in a box?

    @leodonaldson I would only get the L1 if you want to coach in a CrossFit gym. You already have the basis of knowledge around fitness and exercise the L1 wouldn’t be worth the money. That said you will have to have the L1 to coach a CrossFit class.
  2. D

    CSCS & USA-W L1, Should I get my CF L1? Should I intern in a box?

    @finallytrulyalive I’m not sure if that’s completely true about it being up to the gym on who they’ll allow coach. Now I’m no lawyer and don’t know the fine print details but I’m pretty sure CrossFit requires a coach to have a CrossFit credential to coach one of their classes. If they didn’t...
  3. D

    CSCS & USA-W L1, Should I get my CF L1? Should I intern in a box?

    @leodonaldson No it’s not for you. You can learn everything on your own by going to some classes and the L1 manual is freely available online for you to get their methodologies. I may be downvoted for this but honestly if you wanted to learn about mixed modality energy system training, which is...
  4. D

    Building a Year Long Comp Plan

    @sam81 I’m just going to second the getting a coach part of it’s in the budget. There’s a lot of moving parts for a year long training program. A lot of it depends on you and where you’re starting from and what you will need to be successful at said competition. It’s far too much to detail out...