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  1. L

    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @craig01 Yeah you're right. I think most people fall in between the two categories after reading everyone's replies. Most people can get fat or stay sub 15% year round by just controlling calories and taking a slower approach to bulking and also being strict about not getting above 15%. For...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @jlr1300 Thanks. Definitely interesting to think about.
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @jlr1300 Can you explain this a bit more?
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @mamabdog Lmao that's kind of awesome lol. Do you find that if you don't track that you just end up eating way less? And when bulking I guess you have to track to make sure you are getting enough cals in?
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @sclayton9 That's crazy to me. I have been on a bulk where my calories got close to 3k/day, and I do remember some days being uncomfortable eating that much, but honestly, I fucking loved eating a ton of high carb meals all day. I felt tired most of the day but fuck, eating all that food was...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @jeewani Same here brotha. At ~2500 cals I'll start slowly gaining weight. And even if I am gaining slowly and controlled, I bloat and carry a lot of water easily, making me look/seem much thicker/higher bf than I actually am. I could also be completely wrong, and could just be perceiving...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @pasadi I really like this explanation/metaphor. This makes so much more sense now. If you think of our bodies like machines, each machine can perform the same tasks (walking, eating/digesting, lifting weights, etc.) but the inner workings of each person's body is different and therefore there...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @raendrops Wow - are you me? I legit just did the same thing. I am reversing now and am at 2200 cals per day. All I want to do is eat all day but I also don't want to gain much fat right now. Stick to the reverse and slowly get into the bulk. It'll be worth it long term for us I feel.
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @holywheeler What’s SKD? And yeah agreed - this is something I’ve been trying to work on to be honest. I’m not comfortable eating out intuitively for a week/weeks on end while on vacation per say. I’ll still go on vacations if they come up obviously, but I tend to have a tough time...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @lordheretic Yeah you're right. I guess he does prioritize being lean. He has in videos said that he doesn't think he'd ever get fat unless he really, really tried to though. And he's gone on tons of vacations where he wouldn't track/train for weeks. It gives me hope that maybe one day I can...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @strayghost I feel so envious of you, because I fucking love food and eating lol. But then I think about how hard it must've been for you to actually gain weight and eat this amount of food if you truly didn't want to. On either side of things (Cat 1 or 2), there are major pros and cons.
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @rjozen Yeah I'm the same. I don't need to be constantly eating every 1-3 hours, but whenever I do eat, if I'm not tracking/am not on a diet, I'll just intuitively eat until I'm grossly full no problem.
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @dawn16 I think there is something to this affect as well. When growing up, I remember as a like 7-8 year old slamming 14 slices of pizza at a friends birthday. My parents were appalled lol. Some of my other friends could just have 1-3 slices depending on how hungry they were, and stop. Never...
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    I often "group" lifters into two categories: Category 1: Lifters who (seemingly) effortlessly stay lean (sub 15% bf) between bulks and cuts. Category 2: Lifters who have a really hard time staying lean (sub 15% bf) between bulks and cuts. There are some lifters I see online (Insta, Youtube...