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  1. J

    Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

    @notaperfectchristian That insulin is the real way you get fat, so you have to eat low carbs and have no sugar to be healthy and lose weight. There are so many youtube folks insisting that Keto is the only way anyone can lose weight. People always jump from one extreme to another. In the 90s...
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    This short gal can’t seem to lose weight or inches

    @hugoorno It is not scientifically possible to not lose weight from eating too little and exercise too much. Starvation mode is a myth. Anyone can starve to death. What you are talking about is called metabolic adaptation. This is where your metabolism slows from eating too little calories. This...
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    New coach has me on high calories

    @kripnal I'm a half-inch shorter, and I can definitely lose weight on that amount of calories as my maintenance for ~125lb is at least 2k (probably even more). I do more cardio than you as I run around 2 hours a week and normally do a hike. I probably have a high NEAT, though, as I'm a bit...
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @mvktr2 Definitely do what works for you, but don't forget about VO2 max. It is one of the best predictors of longivity. You should ask your coach to test it just to make sure you have good enough cardio fitness. I took up running at 42 despite not being athletic in any way ever because I had...
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    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @psuseagull That is a lot. I have less than half an inch between my bottom rib and my hip bone on my side.
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @mvktr2 Just curious, but did you ever monitor your heart rate? I found that I can predict if I will get an exercise migraine based on how long my heart rate was in my zone 5 during my workout. I can still do cardio, but I just can't push too hard for too long.
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    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @psuseagull What do you mean?
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    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @jesseyoung20 I'm a torsoless reverse triangle. I thought losing weight would help me find clothes that fit better, but no... I still don't have a waist. I can't tuck, and I can't wear crop tops or high waisted pants. Today's fashions suck on me. I miss long tops/tunics over leggings as it...
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    Are clothes getting bigger or is it just me? 5'2,160lbs, size 8, and fitting smalls???

    @dawn16 Yes, I would like to lose a little bit more weight, but I am already finding it hard to find clothes small enough. I have bought mostly juniors and kid tops lately.
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    When is walking considered a workout?

    @anoncord Walking 3 miles burns about the same amount of calories as running 3 miles, but you are right, for cardiovascular fitness, walking doesn't do much. You have to do something that gets your heart rate up... way up. That can still be walking if you do it fast enough or in an incline...
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @dawn16 I'm a Dr. Attia follower and listen to other fitness podcasts. They all recommend doing interval training where you get to zone 5 at least once a week. You are right that it gets harder to hit it, though.
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    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @panozaa_allbet I took up running last March. I got lots of migraines. Then I found out that I can predict if I will get an exercise migraine based on how long my heart rate is in my zone 5 during my workout. I have a polar h10, and I can look at the HR graph and tell right away based on how...
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    How to calm down after weight loss?

    @birdinmypalm If you haven't lost weight for 6 months, you probably are at maintenance already, so keep that in mind. Breaks are good, IMO... Even if you gain a few pounds back, I think it makes it easier.
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @hemahe I don't think she has a short torso. She has double the distance between her bra line and belly button that I have.
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    Some struggles living in Japan and deciding to take back control of my weight

    @prodigalson8523 Don't do weight lifting instead of cardio. Do weight lifting and cardio. Both are important for health/longevity, and both help with weight loss. Taking up running really helped me get to a healthy weight. I spent all of June in Japan and had really hoped that I would be able...
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    Is there a “Caroline Girvan” of Yoga or Pilates on YouTube?

    @paulclays Thanks, I will check out his channel. I feel the same way with Boho Beautiful's harder and intermediate classes. Even with all the weight training and yoga I do, I can't even begin to do some of the poses she does. Also, the way the muscles are used with yoga and pilates feel very...
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    Is there a “Caroline Girvan” of Yoga or Pilates on YouTube?

    @snugz Imo Adriene talks too much, and the workouts are way too slow and easy, but it is fine for beginners and older people. Yoga with Kassandra is a bit better, but it is still very slow and very much for beginners. Caroline Girvan's workouts are hard and quite advanced, so I would say Boho...