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  1. P

    Bodybuilding Peaking Strategy

    @amysz1217 All the points in the article are valid. But to me seems like they come into play only if you employ the wrong strategy (i.e. restricting sodium too early on or restricting water during carb loading). From the research article I linked to in my post: "...the participants in the...
  2. P

    Bodybuilding Peaking Strategy

    @livingme7 Thanks for the tips! I'm gonna aim to be ready as far out from the show as I can manage and then maintain from there. I already have a tan booked with the tanner that the event organizers provide. So gonna stick with that for my first time stepping on stage as I feel like I'd just...
  3. P

    Bodybuilding Peaking Strategy

    I am just under 6 weeks out from my first bodybuilding show and have been investigating peaking strategies. I'm self coached so wanted to make sure that I am not doing anything stupid in terms of my peaking. I am going to do a practice peak at 4 weeks out to see how my body responds. I have done...