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    Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

    @jbsimmons The Fitbit app has presets for goals and also completely configurable goals and day overview - you can simply configure away anything weight or calories. Also, the setup process does not assume weight-related goals.
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    DEXA Scan Results | 5'1" 56kg (123lb) at 21% BF

    @emiles97 About the left/right arm/leg: the fat mass is pretty much the same between sides, but the lean mass is less on your dominant side. On myself, I've observed that the non-dominant side is stronger, too; and I have a pet theory for why that is: dominant side does the fiddly stuff in daily...
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    Does anyone else feel like they look incredibly stupid at the gym?

    @crucisdecristo All the comments in this thread remind me of people being self-conscious about noises in a public loo - yeah no, the other people waiting should understand that pee splashes and farts fart and so on - they aren't in there to smell the fresh air either. It's just humans humaning...
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    Got up to 9 pull ups this morning

    @worthless1976 Congratulations! For everyone in this thread wondering how to get to the first one, the progression in this video series really helped me (needs rings tho):
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    I got 11 pullups in a row when I was aiming for 10!

    @shelly_s Yes! So I have this thing where I mentally subdivide the sets, like e.g. 9 reps - that's 3 in the beginning, 1 - 2 - 3, then 3 in the middle, and the final 3. For pullups, I'm currently at 3x8 - and I've found that if I aim for 8, that is, do 4 for the first half, then 4 for the second...