Search results

  1. D

    What’s your preferred warm up routine?

    @austinsugden Walk my dog or do 5 minutes on my stationary bike, then do 5-10 minutes of mobility work for my hips/back/shoulders, then I start lifting.
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    New dad looking for advice

    @the1stlady98 I'd do the 531 sets, one FSL widowmaker, then back or abs after. You could get that done in 30 if you hurried.
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    Average to Savage 2.0 - Initial Review

    @johannask GZCL General Gainz would work for DB only, since it's all auto regulated and doesn't use any percentages.
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    Do you think trap bar deadlifts are an acceptable hybrid between barbell dead lifts and squats?

    @squidomerer Injury prevention is more a result of load/fatigue management. A trap bar might be more comfortable since you have more freedom with your setup, but it isn't inherently safer.
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    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    @jpaulhansen S/B/D 460/300 paused 315 TNG/525 hook 550 strap, BW around 185. Haven't trained press other than as an accessory in a while, but a few years back I hit 190 at 190 to get a bodyweight press. Lifetime goal is 1400 (~495/320/585) at around the same bodyweight, after that I'll still...
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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry Squat 495. 1400 gym total. Total 600+ in comp and take the masters I state record in my weight class. There isn't one currently so it's just a participation trophy, but that'd still mean a comp total PR.
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    Becoming more exhausted the higher my maxes go

    @dex54val Absolute load is still a consideration. 500 lbs is going to be more taxing on a body than 100, even if it's 80% max in both situations.
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    What’s your workout schedule/routine?

    @rorypond The r/fitness wiki has a 531 primer that covers the basics.
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    Seeking strength programming recommendations for 52y/o finishing Greyskull LP w/ Phraks variant

    @uniseal FSL is a good variant to start with, easy to recover from and let's you do lots of assistance and conditioning.
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    Drawing up a 3 day full body routine for myself, would appreciate suggestions

    @godisworking101 Generally, you're better off leaving a couple reps in the tank. Going to muscular failure doesn't provide much additional benefit, but it does have a significantly higher recovery cost. There are other variables like the specific exercise and overall volume, but that's a general...
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    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @grace_mercy Like the other guy said, I'd see a doctor and take a look at your sleep/diet/etc. I turn 40 next year, and even with a fussy newborn I'm still training, albeit a bit reduced.
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    Risk v reward

    @rsm777 Minor clarification on the TM, its not a 3-5 rep max. It's a set of 3-5 that's hard but still with good bar speed. His current recommendation in almost all cases is 5 reps.
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @dinneratsix Full body doesn't mean everything is worked out, it just means it works out some upper and some lower muscles. No one exercise works out every muscle in your body.
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    Seeking Fitness Routine Advice for Longevity at 37

    @groov3ydud3 531's 2/2/2 format is my plan once I finish this last push and do a masters 1 meet. Two days of lifting, two days of mobility, two days of conditioning. 80% training max and just focus on good movement and bar speed.