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    4 years of hard work

    @silsophi The thing to understand is that guys like Jeff Nippard are the exception of the guy exception. That’s not the average physique for a natty bodybuilder. Anyways, I’d suggest trying different things with volume, frequency, splits, meals, etc if you are not getting results
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @thebelovedofgod Chin-ups. I never did them because I always thought it was more of a bicep exercise. Boy, was I wrong. I’m getting crazy DOMs on lats from chin ups
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    Garage gyms; winter cold

    @mutgr As someone from South America I can’t relate to that. But honestly ? The idea of training in such cold conditions sounds kind of… cool to me ? Don’t hate me, but definitely i would put some hardcore Viking song and impersonate Thor. But probably it sounds more fun at my mind than it...
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 Depends the exercise, rep range, etc. Sometimes your muscle just go bananas and don’t work anymore.
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    6 day bro split

    @gladventist Usually 16-18 for chest. I know most people say it’s too much, but my body just don’t grow with low volume. Chest day is indeed an easier day, which makes it perfect for abs/cardio/busy days. This split you gave me is interesting. Rest for 3 whole days then ? Or just one ? I don’t...
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    6 day bro split

    @onetruefreedom I liked this a lot actually! Might give it a try
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    How are most of workout routines full of junk volume?

    @godofreason Each body responds differently. A big part of bodybuilding is self-knowledge of your own body and what works best for you. I simply do not grow without high volume - and believe me, I’ve tried. Multiple times. I don’t get DOMs and I leave the gym feeling like it wasn’t enough work...
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    6 day bro split

    @mm1992 Im doing like 3 sets of abs in the end of the workout. I’ve read a lot of people saying that you can/should train abs everyday because they recover fast. Do you think I should be doing it differently ?
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    6 day bro split

    6 day bro split Yes yes, the bro split. I know it’s not optimal. I know i should be doing PPL twice a week. But I hate PPL, makes me feel miserable and hate working out. Something about just getting into the gym and completely obliterating only one muscle makes me smile and excited. Now...