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  1. K

    Easy Muscle Reviews Anyone?

    @snowlucario Thanks for the input! I’m going to pick it up today. Couple questions: You mentioned east strength. Do you have a link? I’m not aware of this program. You don’t like the structure or B&C, and prefer how DFW was structured. Are you blending A with DFW?
  2. K

    Easy Muscle Reviews Anyone?

    Sup squad, haven’t posted in a while, hope everyone’s doing well (I see we’ve got some new posters too). I see Geoff has released a new program called easy muscle, I’m curious if anyone has purchased it and what your thoughts are? If it’s anything like his other programs I’m sure it’s...
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    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    @loves2readya I had an elaborate smart ass response in mind, but then I saw who it was responding so yea. Lol. You're right, it's definitely all in the vid, and I can understand it now thanks to @gaconvn and @tim316. Thanks for the video, gonna give that a shot today.
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    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    @gaconvn Thanks man! I've be KB'ing for a while now but I'm still VERY green on understanding how the programming is written down.
  5. K

    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    @tim316 Couldnt edit the original post, but unfortunately I left something out. This: ren row & cleans/plank - w20" r10" x6' Could you elaborate what that means with the renegade rows with clean and planks? Thanks
  6. K

    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    Video in question: Hieroglyphics: 5x2' - 8+8; 8+7; 8+7; 8+7; 8+6 Please help lol. Levi if you happen to see this, I love your stuff. I'd love it even more if I could understand it lmao.