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  1. L

    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @kirkkinlen Yep. It’s maybe SLIGHTLY high, but close enough for a good estimate. I plugged in your numbers (just put 30 as an age so may be slightly off) and got 1567 as BMR and 1880 for sedentary TDEE. I’m 5’6”, 150 and cutting on 1900. I’m lifting 4x a week, do two 20 minute HIIT sessions and...
  2. L

    5’8” 148 lb, ladies what’s your tdee?

    @beardeddarnell A bit shorter than you at 5’6” but I’m just under 148 at the moment. I lift 4x a week, have one true rest day, and cardio is sporadic and happens when it happens. I’m currently reverse dieting and I’m up to 2100 and haven’t seen the scale go up yet. I think I’ll probably end up...
  3. L

    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @elina99 If I plug your numbers/activity level in here , I’m getting much higher numbers than what your saying for your TDEE. And I find this calculator close enough to accurate for myself. Are you sure you’re using your active TDEE and not your sedentary TDEE?
  4. L

    [DEXA] 5'6''/182lb (1.71m/83kg) & 30.9% Fat - I came a long way

    @mauddib Amazing! We have very similar body shapes and are the same height. I’ve always felt like I have more muscle/strength than I should for the amount of time I’ve been training and I’m starting to think people who start at a high weight (I’ve lost about 60lbs) and lose weight while strength...