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    3 hours too much for full body weightlifting 3 days/week?

    @pc_home This depends - if your goals involve having bigger and stronger arms, lateral delts etc, then of course you’ll get better results if you also hit them directly.
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    3 hours too much for full body weightlifting 3 days/week?

    @pjportma It’s generally recommended to start with the larger compound movements (rows, presses) and do the isolation movements for smaller muscle groups last. If you tire out your biceps and triceps with isolation movements and then do the compounds, your arms will likely fail first and it will...
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @tomatheist You can’t spot reduce fat, so to ditch the belly fat, you just have to lose weight overall. Right now for you that means be under 140 lbs. If you’d like to be leaner at a higher weight, you need to focus more on gaining muscle. To do this, follow a good, balanced lifting program, and...
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    When I run on the treadmill I am dying after just half a mile. How can I make myself go longer?

    @thisisme123 You’ve already gotten some good responses, and I’m really not trying to be a dick, but did it seriously not occur to you to slow down if you were getting tired too fast?