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  1. H

    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ms7dc Absolutely. There's a heavyweight in my judo class whose probably north of 250+ and can back to back rounds in sparring without issue.
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @cybernetic This is your own program I don't have to actually discredit you because I think you've taken that task upon yourself already.
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @cybernetic You have a 22kg bench and have been lifting for 8 years. If you understood even a modicum of "the sciences of how hypertrophy training works" then we'd be having an entirely different discussion here.
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe That's awesome. Looked a little too easy even.
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @sharkbait13 All strength is functional though. The "big 3" and OHP has carryover to real life/everyday applications. Some folk cannot apply it appropriately and that's okay too. People selling you a specific plan or exercise because it's more functional than another usually have something to...
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    I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

    @joyce65714 Imagine refuting people more experienced and knowledgeable on this than you. Those dudes are right.
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    @bosirejared . . If the nutrition and recovery are seemingly in check (and accurate) then it's just a matter of lifting, which is arguably the easiest part of this all. Run an established program and into the ground. I'm a big fan of the Stronger By Science programs and you can...
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    @bosirejared How tall are you and what's your current weight? Have you read the fitness wiki? What program are you currently running? Are you actively tracking your intake on a daily basis?
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    A seasoned old timer needs help!

    @hoangseo If I were in your shoes I'd invest in some kettlebells
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    @hisangelonearth He's joking
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    Fitness Programs? are they worth the price?

    @david_loves_boats I'd buy the ones from reputable folks. The stronger by science program bundle is fantastic and customizable. Can't recommend it enough.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @luke2334janel Everything is not actually dialed in.
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    Efficient PPL programming.

    @sus_y Sign up for their news letter and they email it There's also a cheap purchasable program that's different but worth exploring later
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    Efficient PPL programming.

    @hurdygurdyman Stronger by science has an excellent three day program and it's free
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    Working out last at night.

    @christdisciple I learned early on that exercising late at night is bad for my sleep hygiene so I always make it a point to lift at the start of my day.