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  1. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @dawn16 Just maintenance. If you check out my original 1 year progress post, I really feel like I made most of my gains in that first year. You can see here that even by the start of 2016 I had gone through a significant transformation. Maintaining a perfect GPA and working towards good...
  2. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @spitfire4christ The artificial lighting added by an instagram filter, nonetheless. In fact, I'm actually 400lbs. It's amazing what generative adversarial networks can do these days.
  3. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @rko It also looks more badass warming up with a rope than with jumping jacks
  4. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @rko Awesome, man. Thank you! What kind of fighting? I recently picked up jump roping -- recommended from a boxing friend. I'm loving it
  5. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @pellchinnn Whole milk
  6. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @dawn16 I didn't mention it because I didn't do it. Take a look at the physique of professional rock climbers. Do you think Alex Honnold is bulking and cutting? Hell no... he's eating, climbing, and getting stronger. I'm not outrageously strong. If I was lifting weights trying to get as big...
  7. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @dawn16 You are correct. I considered quoting Austin Powers on that one.
  8. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @eleos1954 Missionary
  9. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @dawn16 I've never, ever done a 'cut'. I just eat the same all the time, which is just enough calories to get a little bit stronger without ever really putting on more weight.
  10. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @dawn16 Day passes are always expensive. Climbing gym memberships on the other hand give you unlimited access. I could go all day every day if I wanted. My current gym is around $70/mo
  11. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @lovelife34 1 month in a sling, then 7 months in PT. At the end of those 8 months, I started to climb again (soft routes). After 1.5 years, my shoulder feels about 90%.
  12. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @silentwife I didn't put a whole lot of work into it even before the injury/surgery, and I just started bringing them back into the training cycle with no problems so far. To be honest, both my front lever and my human flag are undeniably stronger on even my first attempts since the surgery...
  13. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @tangko I can give you the exercises I do (learned in PT). BUT I also recommend going in to a PT, as well. Give me a little time here and I'll make a video to run through the exercises
  14. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @breezin These days, my routine has been bouldering for 2 hours a day, 3 days a week. I had shoulder surgery a year ago, and just started to incorporate pull ups, dips, and push ups back into my weekly routine. I usually just do three sets of each, plus max-time hangs on the bars and planks...
  15. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @kptfit Very good question. The answer is... absolutely. In several different ways. Growing up, through high school and my first stint in college, I was very short and skinny. I have a young face (which I'm now reaping the benefits of), and I also sounded young. So, for most of my life, people...
  16. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @tarina Yep!
  17. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @sister_diane Honestly, I had to check my own video to compare how much I let my shoulders drop between contiguous reps vs while hanging to rest.
  18. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @sister_diane Lats have got to be from pullups (standard and wide grip) initially, and have also probably benefited from bouldering now. I have one of those doorframe pullup bars with 3 different grips (wide narrow and neutral), and the wider grips are what I've done most of my pullups on. I...
  19. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @purple5 No doubt. Even once you get basic technique down, it then becomes a battle to not use your strength to get up the wall. Honestly, taking 8 months off after surgery probably helped my technique in the long run. Working on my first (indoor) v7's now
  20. G

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @purple5 I gained the weight about 5 years ago and only started bouldering a couple years back. God how I wish I had found climbing sooner