@ensea12 Gttfg lol
Wtf are you looking for excuses not to go
Worst case do skill work, incline walking, dial the intensity back a bit
Do your main lifts and pack it in
Or do your main lifts and realize you're actually feeling fine lol
What is this sub lmfao
@cybernetic The "angles" meme is almost total horse shit btw
Beware fitness gurus
Although tbh most ppl just give advice telling you to "only" do certain things which work, but not any better or worse than the next best thing
@imnotjokingwellnotmostly Yeah you need a day
A leg day
Fucking do it, don't let your dreams be dreams
But in all seriousness you can work through doms, capacity to recover and work capacity increase with training. If you're injured keep the work light but let's be honest nobody is getting...
@jlrodriguez A/B split
Pick one of each for A/B
Squat/ Deadlift for 3x3-4 @ RPE9
Bench / OHP for 3x3@9
Pullups / Row for 3x8@9
Add warmups, optional amraps, whatever accessories you like but make sure you do abs and biceps
@orthodox_christian Hard to not be repetitive when there aren't tons of new insightful learnings from research
And way way better imo than gurus who confidently state bullshit to grow their brand
@kpmasonry The answer is they were 5'6" and 138lbs at the beginning, BMI 22, which is pretty low and lean for bodybuilding. Not hard to build muscle fast in that state. That much at that speed though idk
@journeytolife77 Personally I would not do a leg day, and instead split this across 3 (or however many) days of full body.
Otherwise I'd do A/B days with either heavy squat -> light deads and heavy deads -> light squat but never high RPE on both