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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @jayaraj I use reverse hack squats and leg press instead, as my knees simply aren’t reliable enough to progress on squats (as in, one week they’re fine, the next they’re crunching, popping, clicking)
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    Replacing Barbell Row with Seated Cable Row

    @jayaraj I absolutely hate barbell rows, purely because my ability to hip hinge is non-existent. My back is decent. Probably because I have really good mind-muscle connection in my upper back.
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    Finally did it

    @kutnikoffs You’re hard
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    Finally did it

    @brandim Remember that’s just me though, and I’m stronger on DBs than Barbells
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    Finally did it

    @brandim For reference, I max out at 35kg dumbells for 3-4 reps. Never attempted a 1RM due to not having a spot. I would guess 37.5kg
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    Finally did it

    @gator6343 Probably the bar plus 15 a side? I can’t remember
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    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @awoods88 Until it becomes unmanageable mentally & restricts my life - I’m not and never will be a professional, so once I’m getting into 1500 and below a day, I have to back off personally
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    Finally did it

    @catinherhat I enjoy life, and lift intermittently. I deserve half-decent results, if I gave 100%, I’d get more out of it - so you see me complaining
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    Finally did it

    @seekingrighteousness Yeah, what about it? I’m not a strength athlete, and barbell Bench has never been a main exercise, I’ve always preferred dumbells (for which i use 35kg)
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    Finally did it

    @buggins Yeah. Working sets would be more like 85x5
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    Finally did it

    @jake_dufner Also I’m 5’9 and about 88kg
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    Finally did it

    @jake_dufner I hit a 90x1 very cleanly about 2 weeks ago. That gave me the confidence to. Basically a gym instructor spotted me & I asked him whether he thought I could hit 100 and he said yeah
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    Finally did it

    @sagirl Nothing to be embarrassed about, I was hitting a 3.5 plate deadlift inside of a year. We’re all built differently
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    Finally did it

    @dottiec Ain’t nothing but a peanut
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    Finally did it

    @greyowl That’s what I did, I started using dumbells only (I used a mix of DBS and machines before) and focused on going up the pairs. Started on 22.5kg dumbells at the start of this year, can do 35x5 now, or a set of 10 with 30s
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    Finally did it

    @greyowl 100% - I’m certain I could’ve done it sooner had i trained with a partner
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    Finally did it

    @prinsess27 I’ve always used dumbells, i found them easier to progress on, considering it’s easier to quickly pick up the next pair
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    Finally did it

    @johnab You’ll do it man, don’t give up!!
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    Finally did it

    Finally hit a 100kg/225lb bench press - I feel like this is a landmark moment for a lot of natural lifters and my time was today 🙌🏻🎉 Side note - it doesn’t matter if it takes 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years or even longer - it took me about 7/8 years of intermittent lifting to get to this...
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @786man Legs, pure fatigue afterwards. I always do Push, Pull, Rest, Legs, Rest, repeat