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    Belly fat won't go and can't build muscle despite 3 years of working out!

    @guilhermecardoso Lol it’s not genetics. You did cardio for 4 months and lost weight. You tried bulkin and lifting at a gym for 2 months. Then doing body weight for a year with maintenance calories. So cut, bulk, maintenance. You’re not gonna grow much muscle doing body weight movements...
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    Best workout app?

    @ndawg77 We don’t use pen and paper any more? Fuck. Guess I need to look into an app
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    Surprised by high testosterone blood test (34M) - how to take advantage?

    @crebzaki Bro you’ll never get TRT with 1150 levels lol but honestly workout sleep and eat. People think you need to do different workouts on gear (or have high/low test levels). You don’t. Lift the same. You don’t need to do Instagram HARDCORE ANABLOLIC BLAST WORKOUTS to maximize gains with...