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  1. J

    Arms sets

    @littlesparrow1 It's not too much for me, but my recovery rate is kind of ridiculous. I run a powerbuilding program, so while I have all my isolations written out as 4 sets of 10-15 reps for hypertrophy, I rarely stick to that. I know myself well enough to know that I'm going to try to PR or...
  2. J

    Arms sets

    @littlesparrow1 20 biceps, 20 triceps. Workout 1: EZ bar curl. Bayesian curl. Standing tricep kickbacks. OH tricep extension. Workout 3: Tricep pushdowns. Lying tricep extension. Hammer curls. Workout 5 : Bicep curls. Incline dumbbell bicep curls. Overhead tricep extensions...
  3. J

    Arms sets

    @tdidymas I am kind of a freak of nature when it comes to recovery. I very, very rarely get sore with the occasional exception of my quads. I honestly don't bench that much. I run a powerbuilding program, which means I bench twice a week: one heavy (4-5 S, 5-8 R) and one more focused on...
  4. J

    Arms sets

    @littlesparrow1 I aim for 15-20 sets of isolations each for biceps and triceps per week, but that doesn't include compound movements (like bench) that hit the same muscles. Delts are technically shoulders, but I do exercises like overhead press to target the entire delt, then aim for about 12...
  5. J

    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal Make sure you're getting enough sleep. It's common for weight to fluctuate. If you weigh yourself daily, average the numbers every week and you'll see the downward trend. If you're starting to plateau or hit diet fatigue, I sometimes fix that by boosting my calories up to maintenance...
  6. J

    What is your favourite meal during a weight loss phase?

    @namibia When I'm on a cut, I like chicken lettuce wraps. Ground chicken (or turkey), diced vegetables (usually carrots, peppers, onion-- stuff I keep on hand), sauce (I usually just wing it), wrapped in romaine leaves.