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  1. R

    Can’t wake up after a hard workout

    @robg Didn't want to make a one line reply to something this simple, but yes. Hydration improves recovery. More often when I am sore longer, I am not drinking enough water.
  2. R

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu Ok cool, yeah v6's here too as well. Subbed to r/climbharder, thanks for that. That's my current connumdrum as I climb T/Th/Sat and lift m/w or m/f. With some militantly heinous yoga my friend drags me to mixed in there. Recovery time is just not there and I end up hurting by Saturday...
  3. R

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu Alright, so serious question. I've been lifting and climbing, but recently I've been really investing in climbing. My goal is to hit a 5.13a. I've done some amazing catch up so far hitting 12a sport but only 11c lead. So I just want to clarify that you've achieved the above without...