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  1. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @anonymous18 Right now, this is nothing more than a test to hit all of my macros in the cheapest form possible that I think I can deal with. I'm not really into food/cooking, I view it as not much more than means to an end. However, I do have all of the food listed in some quantity, and will...
  2. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @theclanofharris I was using a metric that people could understand for fullness, as a way to convey why I need to split my food into so many small meals. I haven't eaten pizza in months.
  3. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @theclanofharris We'll see what life has in store, although I'm not sure if they can come in cheaper and/or more nutritious than the $5 loss leader rotisserie chickens from Costco. I lived in FL for 20 years, and am beyond glad that I moved out to California. For quite a few years I lived in...
  4. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @theclanofharris As we get settled in this house and our family expands (moving in the in-laws), we may eventually look into taking advantage of our rural life and buying portions of cows, since there are many many cows visible from the main road, and there will be 5 of us here.
  5. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @theclanofharris I wonder what the macros are for crow? I kid, but thanks for owning up to that. I'm no huge fan of beans either, just indifferent to them. I'll eat whatever I need to reach my goals, with an eye on the nutrition and total price per month. Personally, I'm very happy with the...
  6. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @theclanofharris They're a very cheap yet healthy source of protein, carbs, calories, fat and fiber, and they meet my requirements for vegetables, all in one, along with keeping my cholesterol intake under the 300mg per day mark. Why would you say this is a troll post? Hell of a thing to...
  7. W

    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    My stomach size is sill somewhat restricted. Two pieces of pizza fill me up, and that's overall a good thing. However, it can pose challenges for eating to gain muscle while exercising. Another sub recommended to split my food intake evenly into several small meals throughout the day, and my...