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  1. J

    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    @dawn16 It's a strange area for me. As a general rule, I try to be close (maybe 3-5 reps shy) to failure, which usually means I do between 8-15 reps (depending on the exercise). Cardio I do it mainly because I do enjoy losing myself while running.
  2. J

    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    @dreuter032003 So far, I have been using it for 2 months. Gives you the exercise, recommends warm up weights and amount of sets with recommended reps. It does have a strange "strength level" which I understand mixes your body weight with your weights but I'm not even remotely sure of how it...
  3. J

    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    @itrm Yeah, I think I explained myself like crap. Had 3 injuries, 2 back ones, First, due to ego lifting, DO NOT EGO LIFT !, 2nd for not warming up properly and not resting, 3rd was a wrist problem, climbing plus throwing a heavy ball without warning up. I'm definitely not training hard, as...
  4. J

    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    Background (feel free to skip) 32 y/o, former couch potato, since early 2023 decided that I needed to get in shape, joined a gym, ended up getting equipment for house work outs, started climbing, occasionally freediving and occasionally slack lining. (Ideally do read below this, questions to...