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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    So what I learned from this thread: Run slower, but run farther. Run shorter distances faster. 10 min mile is slow!! 😂 Do supersets with HIIT. You can’t do everything! Haha jk thanks for the advice guys 😝
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @questioner1 I do understand I am only getting older, and could possibly be overextending myself. Can I ask what your training looks like as a 40 year old focused on intense cardio? Just curious!
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @ccmoldiefan Okay, good to hear I’m just being impatient. Haha thank you much!!
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @dawn16 Yea some days I try to do this! I’ve read thinner, leaner stronger by Michael Matthew’s and he suggests doing cardio and lifting in different sessions, it’s just I am a mom and student and I work part time so some days I don’t have the time to do two different sessions! Ideally I would...
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @dexterjh Ah yes I’d love to get some swim time, just my local Y is brand new and the pool is yet to come. Great idea though, I appreciate the response!
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @dreuter032003 Honestly I want to be as strong as I can be. So putting lifting on the back burner would not be ideal for me, no.
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    Hi! I (F, just turned 30) have been lifting for coming up 3ish years. I’d say about 2 years of that have been pretty seriously. I’m in the gym 6 days a week most weeks, I do a push pull legs/glutes split. I love lifting and being strong, it’s changed my life and my relationship with my body. I...