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  1. L

    I made Boostcamp, a free fitness app with Reddit's best workout programs. Use it to get stronger and build muscle!

    @terasee Well that was embarrassing! Far from kicking arse lol. I’m doing knee pushups and managed 25, but the chair dips and rows only 5 of each, and the bent leg raise maybe three, my form was terrible so next time I’ll get my partner to watch me and maybe help guide me, I was worried I’d...
  2. L

    I made Boostcamp, a free fitness app with Reddit's best workout programs. Use it to get stronger and build muscle!

    @terasee Thanks so much for this. I’m doing Arnie’s workout twice a week at first Tuesdays and Thursdays, will add Saturdays once I feel I’m capable of a third day, and restarted Zombies25K for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then I’ll work through the Zombies, Run! story. You’ve put so many other...