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    Scared to start exercising/tactics to start exercising

    @theknightlight Others have already given great advice, sp I'm thinking back to my 16yo self who was very much like you but also very much in a terrible relationship with my body, food, and exercise. Make sure you're doing it for the right reasons- having more energy, a fun hobby, me time...
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    How do y’all afford protein foods😭

    @aplolgeticfreak Yep! Good thought on mentioning that. Thanks!
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    How do y’all afford protein foods😭

    @lochie I was surprised that I had to scroll down this far to see someone mention tuna. Cheapish, high protein, great macros for people who track them.
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    Chubby cheeks low bf

    @garg Sounds like body dysmorphia honestly.
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    Is it true that fast weight loss means it’s only water weight?

    @smooman Yes. She may feel fine now but fatigue, sluggish workouts, feeling foggy, etc. can creep up quickly- just as quickly as feeling energized can happen when fueling enough. OP, for reference, 1000 calories is less than what's recommended for my 3 year old.
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    Is it true that fast weight loss means it’s only water weight?

    @alexis82 1000-1200 calories, particularly if you're doing 45-60 minutes of intense cardio per day, isn't enough food. Think long game, and making sustainable choices. I disagree that there's something inherently wrong with that much cardio, but I'm also a 50-55mpw runner so YMMV, quite literally.