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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @christine04 PM me and I'll send it to you!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @ninalove13 I got inspired by r/1200isplenty and now follow that subreddit religiously to eat volume-based meals for lower calories. I do find myself more hungry after running and hiking (which I don't do as often as weight training) but I still try to eat relatively healthy (maybe yogurt or...
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @corey7973 I try to eat around 1200-1500 calories a day (check out r/1200isplenty - they have a lot of low calorie recipes and inspire me to eat healthier). I have a snack at 11 am (usually yogurt and fruit), lunch at 1 pm (meal prepped burrito bowl, or chicken/steamed vegetables or pasta) and...
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @jacksoncollins Those are just black vans :) flat shoes are perfect for leg days haha!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @lovemypups The first few days of Asia was brutal because I wasn't used to walking for that long AND I was trying to break into these shoes. After a couple of days they were soooo comfortable!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @erth For my whole life I've eaten breakfast, so it was difficult transitioning to a restrictive eating period. I start work at 7 am so waiting until 11 was tough, but I got used to it after a while. I tried 12 pm but that was too late for me. Black coffee has helped me the most :) water and...
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @mike978675 Truthfully I don't really do anything that targets my waist (aka making it smaller). I should look into that!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @userischris I watch tv at home as well but don't have much of an urge to snack after 7-8 pm. I honestly just drink water or tea until I don't feel hungry haha but if you find that you can't fast properly, maybe try changing the hours to 1-9 pm?
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @namlien Yup I follow an IG fitness influencer's workout plan. Send me a PM with your email and I'll send it to you!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @shelbylynn92 I eat around 1200-1500 cals a day! Wrote what I typically eat in a day to another comment you can find here!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @spreadinglove Unfortunately I didn't measure myself :( my indicator is when I wear high-waisted shorts and they don't fit me around the waist anymore haha!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @brendanmg It totally is all about consistency! I'm trying really hard to get a pack right now lol haha
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @dawn16 Only last month! I know, especially with abs it takes FOREVER to achieve results. Just work hard and be diligent and they'll reveal themselves :)
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @trey3200 Do it! Just gotta be diligent with working out abs as much as you can:)
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @dsnjordan Oh wow, you go way more than me! I won't be able to run a half marathon haha but once you start incorporating ab workouts, you'll love the burn! Maybe start with abs at the beginning of your session so you have all the energy and can get it done right away!
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @imingtown Yay! I found it so hard to cut out white rice and excessive carbs out of my diet but it's been a lot easier. Now I know why everyone in Asia is so skinny, they walk everywhere LOL! Let me know if you have any questions :)
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @dawn16 Oooh thanks for the suggestion! I'll probably change up my ab routine soon
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    @joeysoley If your gym doesn't have a captain's chair, you can just do the hanging leg raise off the top bar (using your arms to support yourself, rather than have a seat) since it's far more effective. I have a hard time doing a hanging leg raise without the chair :( of all my moves, I...
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    My ab journey (with pictures)

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking this subreddit for a while and thought I'd share my ab/fitness journey in the past 2 months. For the most part, I wasn't active until I travelled to Asia for 2 weeks in early May, and returned losing 5 lb! Currently, I work in an office setting so I was used to...