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  1. P

    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    @cloe33fbcdavis Thank you, so far I have only made gains but indeed I was afraid I would get stuck if not doing things properly. Will also look into those other existing programs
  2. P

    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    @johnsonboy Thank you, this helps. Will also look into the existing programs
  3. P

    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    @johnsonboy Thank you for the advice, if I can only go to the gym 4 times a week for about 1.5 hours do you still consider I should balance my current plan more towards training each muscle twice a week ? Like for example reducing the number of series for back on day 1 to then have time to do...
  4. P

    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    @dinafrancis Will look into that, thank you!
  5. P

    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    Hello! I (27m) has been working out for about 8 months after being sedendary for quite a few years. Below are my current stats: H: 173m W: 78kg/171lb Bf: 25.8% Muscle percentage 33% I have maintained my body fat at the same value since I started, however, my muscle percentage went from 27%...