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    M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

    @fanner570 Haha me too. Dont worry too much about that. Just eat more good stuff. I eat lots,but just cut out suger. Us 40yr olds have to indulge a little from time to time!
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    M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

    @fanner570 Dont be embarrased. People will give you constructive advice,and help you smash that plateau
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    M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

    @fanner570 Definatly!That will seriously develop your strength and does wonders for hypertrophy.Ring dips are excellent and also you could learn ring muscle ups
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    M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

    @fanner570 Can you send a video in of your form. Maybe your overlooking doing the form correctly. This is hugely important in making progress. Some of these exercises are tough and gonna take some time. For example Pseuso planche pushups are no joke. So many people dont do these right. Looks...
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    L Sits are getting hard as F

    @coelohim If you want L-sit handstand,compression work is gonna get you there. Anyways your form looks good. Hows your v-sit?
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    Front Lever Tutorial: Extreme! w/ Unique Skill Tips by World Record Holder Marcus Bondi

    @michaelphemo Love it! Great cues on holding the bar. I shall start working on this. I like your style dude. Great character! Keep up the videos