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    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 I wouldn't pay for a person that's just straight up wrong. She's not helping you, and that stuff will just actively discourage you from squatting, since they don't feel right. Small femur people can squat without tracing much ahead of their toes, but most people don't, and...
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    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @daughterofchrist2008 Front squats are the fucking best. After I started doing them instead, I gained a lot of insight into my own movements, which subsequently helped me work out my technical issues with back squats.
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    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 Long femurs gang! I hated squats for 5 years! I wanted to quit over and over. They just never felt right. I eventually learnt that longer femurs makes for harder squats. I googled around and found that low bar, and a much more forward lean at your starting position would help...
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    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @cirix Haha! What.the.fuck! He sounds like a real beacon of scientific knowledge and very grounded in reality.
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    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @meow69 Oh that's a big yikes! Wendler looks like a fucking feminist in comparison. We should celebrate ladies in fitness more. Fuck these sexist assholes.
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    I don’t want to give up, but I feel like I’m doing it all wrong

    @jennifaith Fuck all those insta women and influencers and social media people. Fuck.all.of.them. It gives me the absolute rage that young girls like you have to grow up with all that shit, all these false and ridiculous expectations. They are all about making money, selling fantasies, and...
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    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    @polcat Thank you! That really cleared it up for me. Makes way more sense now.
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    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    @therosary9 24.2% body fat? What? That sounds so high for what you look like. Am I just extremely misguided as to what that is supposed to look like? You look really good, definitely not what I thought someone with 24% would look like. Sorry about my useless comment. I just don't understand...