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  1. D

    How do you accurately know how many calories you’re burning?

    @walkaway The Apple Watch separates your total from what was burned during exercise. Like I’ll start an exercise (HIT or strength or outdoor walk) and it’ll track the calories I’m burning by my heart rate and stuff. I don’t go off of my total burned ever because I know that’s everything. I only...
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    How do you accurately know how many calories you’re burning?

    So I started this fitness journey on January 4th. I’ve made several changes but the biggest one is I’ve stuck below my calorie goal for losing 2 pounds a week and I’ve adjusted that as I’ve lost weight. I’ve also started making better choices overall. I haven’t had a single piece of candy or...
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    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    @undone I just use I track my calories manually. I look at the calories on each food label and account for them that way. I’m eating only serving sizes to make it easier to keep up with. If I make a dish, I’m account for calories per serving...
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    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    @jonathan98 I’m actually not using an app to track calories. I’m doing it manually. I’m going off the food label and calculating it and the protein myself. I find that it keeps me more accountable if I have to put in the work myself. I’m taking little steps so that I can form habits rather than...
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    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    @dawn16 Thank you for putting me at ease about it!
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    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    @dawn16 That’s what I thought but I read stories of people swearing they would be in calorie deficits and eating the right foods and just not losing and it kind of scared me
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    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    I (F28) just started a health journey at the beginning of the year. Not as a New Year’s resolution but because I’m having sleep apnea episodes and I was told losing weight can help that significantly and also, I’d love to be here for a long time with my son. So I’m really doing well. I’m...