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    Frustrated about body size and TDEE

    @amicrazy90 139 rn
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    Frustrated about body size and TDEE

    @tmthy21 You're doing better than me 😹 that's awesome!!! I'm glad you've found what works for you!
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    Frustrated about body size and TDEE

    @rivendoah I've cut on as low as 1450 cals, but I think it's just getting used to it? I lift lighter during cuts, and eat back half calories burned on runs (so if I ran 3 miles, I log 1.5 miles worth of calories to eat back). Take it slow and really prioritize protein, water, getting enough...
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    Frustrated about body size and TDEE

    @johnjs37 It's 100% possible to eat more food!!!! I'm 5'2" and my TDEE is 2200 cals at least! While I am so so jealous of my guy friend (6'2") currently bulking on 5500 cals, it is possible to get ur TDEE over 2k!!!
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    Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

    @lettuce Speak for yourself! I fckin love me some Diet Coke 😌 I'm more worried abt its effects on my teeth than the cancer part, tho, so I try to limit to 3/wk and keep good oral hygiene otherwise
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    Dating while being petite and overweight

    @jodi1028 Don't cancel omg!!!!!! I'm 5'2 but your goal weight and I still sometimes feel insecure but it's OKAY! If they don't want to date you because of your weight, that's entirely on them!! You want to be with someone who wants you for you at whatever stage! Give him the benefit of the...
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    Where to buy cute.. i feel cringe saying this.. “pump covers?”

    @gorightgirl I'm a huge fan of raskol apparel. It is super expensive but I love their stuff
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    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @excpomelo Maintenance of sub 25% BF at 2100-2300 cals. 5'2" so I know I'm a touch above the asking height, but I lift 3-4 days a week generally. Cardio is mostly 10k steps a day or a run/swim thrown in if I'm feeling frisky.
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    How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

    @gotquestion At least an hour (including warm up), if not 75 mins
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    How the heck do I prevent DOMS???

    @nikki225 Don't lift as heavy Stretch properly after and dynamic warm up before Or just... you can't. They'll come out of no where at any point, even when you're well adjusted to lifting. I still get struck two days later every so often. Power through 😹