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  1. L

    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @patrick1975 I’m disappointed. I hated 24.1 but it was fair. Loved 24.2 and also thought was very fair. Def not excited at all for 24.3. Makes me not even want to bother.
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @patrick1975 No you aren’t reading it wrong. I just don’t see how 35 chin over bar is a fair scaled option.
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @spazmoidfry Bc a 65 lb thruster is something like 90% of people could do in their first CrossFit class lol. 35 pull ups isn’t. lol
  4. L

    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @patrick1975 The scaling option is insane. It doesn’t track AT ALL.