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  1. T

    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    @polcat Thank you very much for your response! I think that's what I need to hear... I have suspected I need to up my cals but just needed to hear it from someone else. The scan operator said my lean muscle should not drop any lower for my height so I think you're spot on with your advice. As...
  2. T

    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    Hello beautiful people! Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Pictures of my dexa scan and my body (front, back, profile - semi NSFW). (Keep in mind these photos are after a full day of eating, and I'm feeling particularly bloated today) Why this post? Today I had my first Dexa scan...