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    Is 22 eggs a day too much? Trying to cut quickly

    @conroy01 I guess if you really love eggs
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    Advice needed, did I hit my genetic ceiling?

    @gwpga17 Honestly highly doubt you've peaked after 2 years of serious weightlifting
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria You've never stood in front of a mirror and flexed?
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Try flexing your chest before you do push ups or bench
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    @mk101 It's a general guideline. I'm sure if you asked a bunch of powerlifters they would probably give you a higher standard just like if you asked a regular joe that hits the gym twice a week you would probably get a lower standard.
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    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    @mdhess Remember I'm not a bodybuilder or fitness professional so I'll just go with the scheduled routine