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  1. B

    Routine Help

    @deborah123 I think I should be able to manage it, I’ll try it for a few cycles and see how I feel. Otherwise, thanks for the info, appreciate it.
  2. B

    Routine Help

    @deborah123 Do you think I could use it with a MTThF scheduling? I go to the gym with a friend and he’s my main ride at this point, so I can’t really schedule outside of these days. If it’s not efficient, then I’ll probably just stick with upper/lower.
  3. B

    Routine Help

    @deborah123 Do you think doing SA/BA 4x a week will be effective? I really want to progress my skills, and it seems to be a split that works specifically for that.
  4. B

    Routine Help

    @jermyn I’m not doing alternating sets, since I find I do work best when I focus in on a workout. I DO superset lateral raises with pull-ups, because otherwise I’d never train my side delts EVER. I will definitely switch L-sit work onto an upper day, and sub in other core work for lower.
  5. B

    Routine Help

    @jermyn For my upper days I was doing this: Pull-up Variation + Superset Lateral Raises Dip variation + Superset Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Row variation Push-up Variation/Pike Push-up (Alternating every week) Accessory work if I have time (Biceps) Lower Days: Squat Hinge (RDL’s) Calf Raises...
  6. B

    Routine Help

    @trying1tohelp1 Fair, it’s not that I’m not seeing progress, I’m just not seeing much profession in my skills. From what I can tell, SA/BA will let me get in the skill days I want while also still letting me train upper body hypertrophy 2x a week.
  7. B

    Routine Help

    @chonstance I’ve read the sidebar and I know what exercises I want, I’m just really asking people if SA/BA as a split is worth it.
  8. B

    Routine Help

    Hey everyone! I have a question for a routine. Currently I’m doing Upper Lower 4x a week (U - L - R - U - L - R - R). Recently though, I feel like my progression hasn’t been very good. So I’m wondering, is Straight Arm/Bent Arm 4x a week with different core and leg work on corresponding days a...