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  1. E

    Need help with upper lower split

    @sisi Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain all these things. I greatly appreciate it
  2. E

    Need help with upper lower split

    @sisi I see that makes lot more sense. So my question is , (only had 1 lifting experience in weight lifting back in high school) isn’t cutting like being in a deficit? If so how are people cutting and putting on muscle? I may be looking at it completely wrong so i apologize if it sounds stupid...
  3. E

    Need help with upper lower split

    @sisi Oops, that’s my fault i edited those last two days to a push pull routine last minute that i found online. This is awesome information thank you so much. So going back to the whole listing weight whole IF and being in a deficit, what do you mean it won’t lead to much muscle gain? When...
  4. E

    Need help with upper lower split

    @qryan Thanks I’ll give that a shot!
  5. E

    Need help with upper lower split

    Need help with upper lower split Hey everyone I’m currently 260 pounds down from 285. In 6’1 24 years old. Here’s my issue. I’m currently using the Hevy app and using the standard upper lower split they have on there. I go to the gym 4x a week and I’m currently trying to build muscle while...