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  1. T

    Why do people say it's hard to do a recomp while burning fat, and gaining muscle weight?

    @steph Ya if he’s getting asked to not come back to multiple businesses of any kind it 100% has to do with shitty behavior.
  2. T

    Bulk or cut

    @phoenix87 I’d say eat to maintenance and train hard with weightlifting and calisthenics for at least a few months and see how you fill out. You can start tracking what you eat to maximize your nutrition which will play a huge role in muscle growth and overall energy levels; I don’t think a...
  3. T

    Trying to lose that last bit!

    @ghcblj81 Try to get 10,000-15,000 steps every day. It seems like you have a decent lifting routine and if you want to avoid tracking calories strictly I’d recommend adding in some cardio most days of the week.