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  1. R

    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    @ihnoa Lol, my wife and I were just discussing that.
  2. R

    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    @bigred630702000 This is a fair point. It's all about how much weight you're holding up. Makes sense.
  3. R

    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    @jeannetteh Ah I see. A spinning bar. That would make things much harder. Still like you said, better them playing outside then on their xbox, ipad etc.
  4. R

    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    A while back I saw a YouTube video of a guy randomly challenging people to dead hang off a bar for 100 seconds. If they made it they'd get a $100. Today I took my kids to the park and they played on the monkey bars. As a bit of a challenge, I timed them to see how long they could dead hang for...