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  1. M

    cannot figure out my maintenance calories

    @dawn16 Damn il try this too
  2. M

    cannot figure out my maintenance calories

    @laurra Thanks man i hope this works out
  3. M

    cannot figure out my maintenance calories

    @linley I guess u are kinda right i maybe not calculating properly but shouldn't that cause like 100 to 200 calories increase so I'd still be under some calorie deficit right? Maybe il try to calculate more accurately for another month or so
  4. M

    cannot figure out my maintenance calories

    I recently went on a calorie deficit where i ate 1500 calories daily. I continued this for 3 weeks but saw 0 progress and thought that 1500 is my maintenance calories. When i told my friend this he says that 1500 is too low to be someones maintenance calories. P.S. my body weight is 96kgs and...