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    Some of the most overlooked sources of plant based protien! (P.1)

    @radicalgrace No spamming just tell us brah
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    How quickly can changing to a different diet affect the body?

    @ihaveacrushonjesuschrist Does your chickpea curry have similar macros as your typical diet before the switch? Maybe you’re consuming way less calories than before? Or sensitivity/intolerance to something in the curry? It took me awhile to figure out how to get enough calories in my vegan diet...
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @plsletmevanish If you drink coffee near mealtimes your iron intake will be lessened by a pretty large factor. I believe within one hour of meals it inhibits 40-60%
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    5’3”F could use some advice

    @firemist If you’re already having oatmeal for breakfast it’s super easy to add protein powder into it. I use hemp protein powder in my oatmeal or smoothie daily to bump up the protein. That plus some nuts and fruit in the oatmeal and I’m super full for hours