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  1. M

    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @horation Thanks bro. I think from what I’m experiencing is that I’m under recovering based on calorie intake. So increase my cals, or reduce my training volume.
  2. M

    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @horation I lift heavy, probably like 85%. 5-8 reps. 5 sets total with a few warm up sets. Clean diet but I think it’s maybe not enough calories, because I’m trying to lose fat so I eat in a deficit which is about 2K cals for me. Tdee calculator pegs me at 2.6K maintenance based on 3x weekly...
  3. M

    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @horation Okay here’s my issue. I’m having trouble figuring whether I should “cut, recomp or bulk.” I’m not a novice but also not advanced lifter. I’d say, somewhere in between. My biggest issue is, if I try to eat in a “deficit” while lifting more than 2x a week, my body just cannot recover and...