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  1. M

    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @ensea12 For me, not being excited to lift is a good one. I'm almost always looking forward to my workouts. If I wake up and I have no desire to lift that day, then I don't. It's not out of laziness since that lack of desire to lift usually comes with feeling more fatigued in general. It's...
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    Nutrition help

    @jerrymyers Usually. At maintenance can work too. Mostly for beginners who have a physique that would fit the 'skinny-fat' description (high body fat percentage and not much muscle, which leaves them looking skinny in clothes and at a body weight that's often not considered over weight).
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    Nutrition help

    @jerrymyers Building muscle and losing fat simultaneously.
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    How to cut while minimizing muscle loss

    @bp3113 That's awesome about the PR's! Being able to maintain arm size on a cut is great.
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    How to cut while minimizing muscle loss

    @wadh That's a great sign. You are probably doing a lot of things right when it comes to how you're training, eating, and recovering. I’ve seen many people associate fat loss or “cutting” with Low energy Always hungry Feeling weak Not a fun time Having to suffer This can become a...
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 I’ve noticed on most exercises the reps slow down and I can really grind out the last few. Sometimes I even surprise myself. Like squats or leg press. Then there are exercises where I just hit a wall unexpectedly, and my reps don’t really slow down. For me that’s always been lying...
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    How to cut while minimizing muscle loss

    @onlyonetruth Yes, I didn’t mention that, but I should have. But it doesn’t even have to be traditional cardio that we think of like the treadmill, bike, stairs, etc. Staying active in any way is great. I rarely do actual cardio, but I walk a lot. I walk my dog, I park my car further from...
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    How to cut while minimizing muscle loss

    @pmichel Continue to train hard. Don't drastically reduce weight or effort (proximity to failure). You don't need to do really high reps either. The best way to hold onto muscle is to continue to train like you're trying to build it. Training won't change much. What might change, depending on...
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    How to cut while minimizing muscle loss

    @lanae Lean protein is definitely the whey.