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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @bluebird29 I'm a wildland firefighter who carries gear up mountains, lifts logs, runs a chainsaw, and suppresses large fires for 16+ hours a day. I love my job dearly. Thanks for the non-fitness related advice though.
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @dazza_73 More so just meant that I'm more muscular than the average woman! Poor wording on my behalf.
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @yodaguy96 Congrats to you! Thanks for the reply!
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @jessephilz My uniform belt holes have consistently went down an inch every two weeks this season. I don't think I was particularly bloated or retaining water beforehand. I've just been required to push my physicality to a level I've never experienced before. Congratulations on your success as...
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @disciplinedidea Such a similar experience, this is great to read. Winter is around the corner which means recovery season. Going to keep on taking good care of myself and see where I can take my fitness next. Thank you for your comment and encouragement!
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @chrisdmeadows Thank you! I love my job!
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @krill Thank you. What a lovely comment to read. Thank you for your input!
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @sweetkf Wildland firefighter. Wanted to ask here just to see if anyone else has experienced something similar. I have a checkup booked at the end of fire season and am planning on asking my doctor.
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @johnd Wildland firefighter and yes! Every western Province and State is in huge demand. It's brutal and dirty and scary, but I've never loved a job mor4.
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @karrose Oh, I'm hammering calories like my life depends on it haha. One of my main food sources is peanut M&M's. Thanks for the input!!
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    @sacm Appreciate you taking the time to write this all out. Thank you for your insight! Going to continue to monitor and keep treating my body well. Best wishes your way!
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    6.5 inches off waist, 2.5 pounds heavier

    Hi small peeps, I'm seeking advice. Since April, I've lost 6.5 inches off my waist but gained 2.5 pounds. I was 155 in April, I'm 157.5 now. For reference, I'm someone with dense muscle mass and I'm 5'3". I started an intensely physical career in April and can notice big changes in my...