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    Update: My Zone 2 5K time is 39 mins

    @sam1978 You're gonna feel much fresher lifting weights the next day. I used to do high intensity long runs waaaayy too much when I started lifting and resulted in me spinning my wheels trying to build muscle.
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @austin998877 I feel like on the rare occasions I can grind through the rep I end up pulling something in my neck lol.
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @iseymour Bells of Steel just released something called the 'Dreadmill'. It's a ridiculous waste of space/money for a home gym but it looks amazing.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @johnc101 Thanks. Day 4 of quiting nicotine and I needed to hear this lol. I'm an emotional wreck rn.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @camperjen What's your 5rm bench now?
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    overtraining impacting results

    @christianmom21 I'm 195lbs 6 foot and ya long arms. TNG for lower rep stuff. Paused for higher rep. I don't have a spotter but I do have spotter arms on my rack.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @christianmom21 I track calories. Proven program. Bulk and cut. Track reps and sets. Consistent. 7 to 8 hours of sleep. 180g protein min. Train to failure on main lifts. Periodize. Deload. Proper rest times between sets. Maybe I do too much cardio but even that's not a ton. 2-3 hours of Muay...
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    overtraining impacting results

    @dawn16 Honestly thinking about unsubbing to these fitness subs because it's driving me insane. I'm 30, been working out for 5 years and my bench just hit 175 for 6 and I can feel that I'm about to plateau again. Everything is dialed in.