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  1. D

    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @saraila Just don't. Please. Imagine that awful leg pain you get after doing a 500m row PR attempt, then apply that pain to your entire body, heart, and lungs. It's that kind of miserable where there is NO resting position. Nothing relaxes. It's just imminent pain and gasping for breath.
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    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @saraila Worst WOD I ever did. Unnamed. 50 double unders, followed by EMOM- 12 minutes 4 thrusters @ 115lbs Double unders for the rest of the minute. Gail to get at least 50 double unders, sit out the next minute. Final score is the total number of doubles. I was an average to maybe...
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    Bad in bench press

    @jakesmith99 Just make it a point to bench and do pushups during NFT. I sucked tremendously at double unders, so I worked on them for 5-10min after every WOD. In a couple months I was one of the best. I was never great at pushups so I would just do them every couple days. I never a beast but at...
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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @mksamas I tried and tried to increase my shoulder and lumbar mobility, but ultimately I had been behind a desk for 15 years and it just stalled my progress. So I just quit doing them. It was never very heavy in WODs anyeay, but if we had an OHS day where we went for small heavier sets, I either...