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  1. A

    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu i jsut don't understand this. I spent a year building up muscle and now i wanted to cut to show the muslce but all that happened was i just kept getting smaller and smaller everywhere except for the belly where the fat remains. So now i have lost 20 pounds, everything is small, but my...
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    Banned from gym for bringing a guest

    @godsguy34 Ok but they allow guests during the day ? Do they make the guest sign a waiver?
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    Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

    @marimur Pro tip: if you treat anything fitness related as urgent, you’re approaching it in an unsustainable way. It’s a marathon. So as many push-ups as you can do on day one and then you’re super super super sore… but what did that achieve? Nothing but stop you from working out. You can’t...
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    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @seeker0 those are the two gyms from dodgeball