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  1. G

    I’m very confused as to where to start keeping my football(soccer) practice in mind. What do you guys recommend?

    @cleloup85 Yes. I started with YouTube like many others I assume. First I learned the swing and clean (I kind of skipped the deadlift tbh). Then TGU and some squats. But yeah basically you need to master the swing first because it is the basis for almost all of the other movements (I guess you...
  2. G

    I’m very confused as to where to start keeping my football(soccer) practice in mind. What do you guys recommend?

    @cleloup85 I certainly am not a coach so take my advice as such. My experience with kettlebells is slighly over a year so I am a beginner also. The path I described is my own and I'm sure there are other ways as well. Check out Mark Wildman's videos. You'll get far with those.
  3. G

    I’m very confused as to where to start keeping my football(soccer) practice in mind. What do you guys recommend?

    @cleloup85 Kettlebell training is more general preparedness training and less sport specific training. Kettlebell training will improve your overall fitness and strength which will help you with your football needs. Is it the best complimentary training method for football? I cannot say. But it...
  4. G

    I’m very confused as to where to start keeping my football(soccer) practice in mind. What do you guys recommend?

    @cleloup85 If you are new to kettlebells start with the absolute basics like deadlift and swing. Almost every kettlebell move challenges your core.